Sunday, March 15, 2009

I'm so Lazy!! :D

Hey children!

It's certainly been a long time since I've last posted a blog! And I haven't been overly busy or anything, I just kept forgetting and being lazy. Oh weeelll.

My stomach hurts a lot right now which is annoying because I want to have some Dairy Queen. I'll probably just eat it anyways because I can't say no to food. Gaahhh!

Tomorrow is a half day! And then no school Wednesday! Yaaayyy!!!! The only silly thing is that tomorrow I will have a spare in 2nd since the schedule is 5/1/2. What ever shall I do?

I'm pretty darn lazy. And I can't really think of something to blog about right now, seems I've lost my touch! But don't worry, I'll figure this out!

I've been reading a fair bit, not a lot, but I've finished Secret Window, Secret Garden and The Library Policeman. I don't think I've mentioned that in a past blog? Well I watched the movie Secret Window and it was quite a lot different from the book, but I liked the ending in the movie more than the ending in the book, even though it missed the whole point of the ending in the book. Haha. Movie producers-1, Stephen King-0 Right now I'm reading the story called The Sun Dog, so far it's not very exciting.

Oh, last night I had some realllly weird dreams. And then I woke up with really horrible stomach pain, at the time it seemed worse than when my appendix went kaboom. And I was all shivering but hot at the same time and I thought I was gonna puke. I don't know what that was all about, but I seem alright today.

There are a couple movies that I want to see! They are Monsters vs Aliens and Coraline. Teehee! And I'm really excited for Tim Burton's version of Alice in Wonderland! I don't know when that's coming to theatres though. But it's gonna be great, I just know it!!!!

That will be all for now, I mean, I haven't blogged for a while, so I can't just go full out all of sudden. I could sprain something!


Friday, February 27, 2009

Unexpected Spaghetti

Good evening my cute little kids!

What a great day, really! Last night I said that I would make sure today was great and I definitely succeeded. I guess having a good attitude can really make a world of difference, hey? Why was today so good? There wasn't anything too big and awesome of course, but there were still a few tiny victories.

I actually understand science, chemistry to be exact. Ever since grade 9, the sciences have all been a scary blur. Well today I saw the light! I hope this lasts. :)

For lunch, there was unexpected spaghetti which was very exciting. I love spaghetti and I love surprises. Yaaay!!

I also went for sushi with my dad for supper which was lovely. I had salmon sashimi, Alaskan king crab rolls and a bowl of rice. Usually I eat a lot more but not tonight hehe. Delightful nonetheless!

The only really negative thing is that I have a fair bit of homework this weekend. Mostly chemistry. gah. Oh, and it was cold outside today. Where are you summer? Wake up!

I plan on finishing lots of homework as well as having a nice relaxing weekend. Maybe I should vacuum my bedroom.

Sorry, this blog isn't very exciting. Oh well. I'm not going to lose any sleep over it. Though I sort of wish I had something important to blog about!

Well, I'll see you kids on the dark side of the moon..


Thursday, February 26, 2009


Hey kiddies!

This week has been pretty crappy. Nothing too horrible happened but I was just moody and angry at the world. Boohoo. Hopefully next week will be better, or maybe even tomorrow will be better! It's great being really happy for no reason, but I can't say the same for anger and other negative emotions. I just hope that I'm not turning into a zombie or something.

I did have an English test today, which was amazingly easy, good thing I didn't waste time studying for it. haha. So I read a lot during that class, which was sort of nice. I'm getting near the end of Nineteen Eighty-Four, it was a great book and is getting really intense. When I finish that book I'll continue reading Four Past Midnight (I've already finished one story in this particular book). Neaaatttoo. I should make a book club, wouldn't that be splendid? Kids reading to kids, then kids discussing books with kids? Doubt it.

The treadmill it working out nicely, so far I've quite enjoyed it. Finally I am getting my much needed exercise! Yaaay!

My cat is sitting on the floor and staring at me, to be honest it's a little creepy. I wonder what she's thinking? I bet she wonders why I spend hours staring at a rectangle-thing. Dem pathetic humans, hey? Well at least I don't eat mushy gross stuff from a can every single day.

Well I guess that's all for now. Tomorrow's a new day and hopefully things will seem brighter! :)


Monday, February 23, 2009

Catching Up

Hey kids!

It's been a couple days! Maybe I should be leaving this blogging a few days in between though. Who knows, there aren't really any rules about blogging (written and otherwise) that I'm aware of. I'm a little lost. Oh well.

Lots of tiny little meaningless things have happened of course. But they're meaningless, no one cares, and I've already forgotten about them, so I can't mention them. I suppose that would be an advantage of writing a blog daily, or almost daily. I would have events fresh in my mind and ready for sharing.

I went shopping on Sunday. I remember that. I bought two books, one was Four Past Midnight by Stephen King (it has 4 stories in it, so far it's really good) and I bought Peace: The Biography of a Symbol (I think that's what it is called, I'm too lazy to check. It has lots of quotes and history and bright pictures, and it also seems lovely. I also found some pants and a belt and a shirt that I want, but I didn't want to spend my own money on them. haha. So I might drag a guardian back to deh mall with me so that I can make some purchases. :)

I had a really weird dream last night, or this morning rather. It was about teletubbies that had lots their little televisions from their tummys, or whatever. And they thought I had something to do with it, so they were attacking me. It was really scary. And then all of a sudden my dream shifted and I was standing with my feet in an oven (that was turned on), washing my hair. D: gah

Today my eyes were watery and dark-looking and the school melt of beer. Tomorrow morning I'm gonna go do my math corrections so that I can rewrite my math test. Haha what a pathetic test. I didn't check it over and I didn't really finish either, I was rushing to get to Mr. Weir's room to right another test that I had missed.

It's supposed to get much colder (the weather), this makes me quite sad. I really want the warmth to come, and soon. I'm sure that there are other people who feel the same way. When the snow melts I'm gonna buy some new, unugly shoes. Mine are two or more years old and ugly. I miss my old shoes but I can't wear them because they have lots of big holes and are too big now.

Well I can't remember anything else to inform you kids about and that book is calling my name.


Thursday, February 19, 2009

Messy Rooms and Unsewing

Hello darling children!

Well I have returned to school after a nice little break. Not much to catch up on either, which is super. I had a math test today which went pretty shittily (is that a word? haha) and I was supposed to have a social test. However, Mr. Weir left before I could get to his room (because I was busy with that math test), so I have to write it tomorrow at lunch. Yaaay. Another day to study I guess... not that I really need to, I actually understand this stuff haha.

Then wooh Friday! Already!

My dad might buy me a treadmill, so I can try to become unfat and less lazy. It's worth a shot, but I know that it'll eventually fail. (You won't get anywhere with that attitude, Jessica!) At least my sister will use it.

My room is messy and it is killing me. Gah. I'll probably clean it tomorrow night, if I don't go crazy before then. I need my room to be clean! D: Aaahhhh!!! Does anyone else need a clean bedroom to function? I'd love to have the whole house clean but no matter how much I try it to clean and keep it clean, it just gets messy again about 5 minutes later. It's like I'm living with a bunch of two year olds. So my bedroom becomes my haven of cleanness. But now, now it's messy!

Also, I successfully unlabelled my new sweater. There was a stupid pocket on it that said Billa Bong and I unsewed it nicely. Oh yeah. It's sort of funny. Some people pay lots of money just for a label, but then I remove it. Niiice.
Time to watch The Office!

Monday, February 16, 2009

The Tale of Two Days

Hiii! :)

Today was great! Grrreeeaatt! Yeeessssss! Today we skied in the further awayish area of the mountains where there is waaay less people and harder runs. It was really beautiful. And the coolest, most far out, granite thing happened. We were going up a chair lift that was going up reealllyyy high. And we went through it rank cloud. Everything was white. All I could see was the chairs in front of me and the empty ones going past. It was like a chair lift to heaven. Gah. You should have been there to see it, my description does it no justice. Oh well.

For supper us kids went to an East Indian restaurant. Sooo tasty! It was nice and spicy! :D And hey, I totally ate vegetables. Niiiicceee. Dude, with all of this exercise and healthy food, I'd have to say that I am on a short-lived road to success.

eehhh I needa soak my sore limbs in the hot tub.


Oh hey. It's tomorrow.

Well today was the last day of skiing for me. I'm feeling pretty sore but it was a great break from everyone and everything. Remember how in the first couple paragraphs I mentioned the whiteness created by going through the clouds? Well today was neato like that as well, cept that we went all the way past the clouds so that we could look down the mountain and see them below us. Woooh. And today I got lots of air :D And I didn't fall once the during the whole trip! Which is pretty surprising. hehe

Haha so we were driving back to our hotel and we saw an ambulance speeding to the mountain. Then, on our way to supper, we saw a tow truck returning from the same direction towing an ambulance. LOL.

I don't know.

I should just.. go..


gah school soonish D:

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Skiing and Sushi

Hey brothers and sisters!

How are ya feelin'? I'm great, my knees are a little sore, but I'm great, thanks for asking.

Skiing today was lovely! Like I said, my knees and legs are a little sore, but what can you expect? I mean, I haven't skied in a year and I haven't participated in physical activities for a looong time. Maybe I should start being more healthy and exercise-ish? Haha I wonder how long that would last?

Tonight I went to this awweessoommeee sushi place for supper, it was so great. They took no reservations there and the place opened at 5:00. We got there about 10min before and people were already lined up outside. About 5 minutes after they opened, the place was already full. Rank ahah. I had sockeye sashimi, snapper nigiri, smoked sockeye nigiri, tempura tiger prawn nigiri, spicy scallop rolls, and chocolate mousse. Soo tastey!

I also went shopping and bought a sweater and some awesome pants. I'm so excited! The awesome thrift shop that I wanted to go to was closed and has silly hours. But hopefully I'll get an opportunity to go there.

So what do ya think, kids? I'll tell you want I think. I think that I should go shower. :)